“very”的读音是:英 [?veri] 、美 [?v?ri]
adj.很,非常; 恰好是,正是; 十足的; 特有的
adv.很,非常; 充分,完全;
1、ADV 很,非常(用于修饰形容词或副词,表示强调)Very is used to give emphasis to an adjective or adverb.
The problem and the answer are very simple…
It is very, very strong evidence indeed…
2、PHRASE 绝不;远非;不太;稍微Not very is used with an adjective or adverb to say that something is not at all true, or that it is true only to a small degree.
She’s not very impressed with them…
4、ADV 完全,最(用于修饰形容词或副词最高级,表示强调)You use very to give emphasis to a superlative adjective or adverb. For example, if you say that something is the very best, you are emphasizing that it is the best.
They will be helped by the very latest in navigation aids…
5、ADJ (与某些名词连用,以确指最远的某一位置或时点)极端的You use very with certain nouns in order to specify an extreme position or extreme point in time.
At the very back of the yard, several feet from Lenny, was a wooden shack…
I turned to the very end of the book, to read the final words…
6、ADJ 正是的;合适的;同样的You use very with nouns to emphasize that something is exactly the right one or exactly the same one.
Everybody says he is the very man for the case…
She died in this very house…
7、ADJ (与名词连用,强调重要性或严重性)仅仅的,唯独的,甚至于,就连You use very with nouns to emphasize the importance or seriousness of what you are saying.
At one stage his very life was in danger…
8、CONVENTION 好的,是(用于表示对上级的指示或命令遵照执行)Very good is used to tell someone in authority that you agree to carry out a suggestion or order.
‘Now give me some account of your voyage.’ — ‘Very good, sir.’
9、PHRASE 的确如此;千真万确The expression very much so is an emphatic way of answering ‘yes’ to something or saying that it is true or correct.
‘Are you enjoying your holiday?’ — ‘Very much so.’
10、CONVENTION 那好吧,行(用于表示同意或接受,即使不是完全满意)Very well is used to say that you agree to do something or you accept someone’s answer, even though you might not be completely satisfied with it.
‘We need proof, sir.’ Another pause. Then, ‘Very well.’…
very;very much;greatly;extremely;highly;awfully;badly;terriblely;considerably;like crazy;to a degree;in the extreme;ever so;ever such,only to就这些
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我现在高二 英语也就50—60分的水平,单词量非常少,阅读都读不懂,一做题就错很多,我还怎么办?
- 我该一心背单词,还是盲目的做阅读啊?
- 你说我现在高二英语也就50就60分的水平,单词量非常少,阅读都读不懂,一做题就错很多,我还怎么办?唉,谢谢啊!学习英语,首先需要大量的单词量,你单词量太少,你应该多背些单词,加大自己的单词量,这样学习的水平就能上去了
- 非常好英文: very good ;乏丁催股诎噶挫拴旦茎 beyond compare ; tiptop;as good as wheat
- 里.顿时,手上、衣服上、鞋袜上都沾满了泥巴.浑身上下湿漉旦户测鞠爻角诧携超毛漉的,好冷!只见推我的那个人,转身跑进了人群中.我“哇”地哭了起来,这时没有人上来帮助我.我悲伤地走出校门.爷爷看见了,立刻从兜里摸出一张手帕,让我在手中握着,使我僵硬的手感到温暖.紧接着报我坐上了自行车,快速地蹬开了.雨渐渐小了,阵阵凉风打在我的手上、脸上好似穿进骨肉一般.我趴在爷爷的背上,爷爷的背十分温暖.只听见自行车发出的“吱嘎吱嘎”的声音,而且越来越急促.
- 每次英语考试,就是阅读理解拖后腿,还没写完,就说还有十多分钟就要交卷了。
- 不知道你是初中还是高中或是大学初中的话,阅读慢就说明你词汇不是很好,初中词汇大部分是名词,语法也不多,所以要多背单词高中的话,也是单词问题,延伸单词较多,要适当的进行猜测词义,并且带着问题做阅读大学的话除了词汇问题还有语法问题,语法不对翻译的也不对,带着问题去原文找答案并且跳着度,没用的东西舍去